5 Spring Footcare Tips for Fabulous Feet

If you have neglected your feet over winter, then you are far from alone.

The comforting and concealing features of winter boots mean that many adopt the out-of-sight, out-of-mind approach when it comes to footcare over the colder months.

Unfortunately, with spring fast approaching and the prospect of wearing open toe-sandals and flip flops fast becoming a reality, you need to take action to revive your feet sooner rather than later.

From swapping to more breathable fabrics when it comes to socks, to exfoliating your feet daily, to prepping your toenails, keep reading to discover five spring foot care tips that will transform your feet from frightening to fabulous.

1.   Swap your socks

Your feet have more than likely been hidden away for the last six months in thick, fleecy socks, tights, and slippers. Although essential in the winter months, as the days slowly start to get warmer, now is the time to switch to more breathable fabrics so that your feet can start to enjoy the fresh air again.

Opt for natural fabrics and looser socks that will allow your feet to breathe and minimise the dampness in your shoes that can cause bacteria to grow.

2.   Exfoliate your feet daily

If you suffer from dry, cracked heels, you need to start exfoliating daily to help soften the skin on this part of your feet. Calluses are also common in the winter months, but these can be kept at bay with regular pumicing. Choose from manual, electric, or chemical treatments, all of which should be applied before you shower when your feet are dry.

You can even make your own exfoliation treatment using just lemons, white or apple cider vinegar, and the miracle ingredient, Epsom salt.

3.   Moisturise before bed

Unless you want to be slipping around in your socks, it is best to apply foot creams or moisturisers just before bed. For optimal results, apply generously and then pop on a pair of cotton socks to keep the moisture locked in.

Do not think you need to spend a fortune on expensive foot cream, as you can make your own using just two store cupboard ingredients – honey and milk.

4.   Remove hair

Although you may not like to admit it, toe hair is something that everyone has. Ensure that your tootsies look smooth and hair-free by using a good quality epilator, waxing, cream, or shaving.

Alternatively, if you want a more permanent solution, laser hair removal is extremely effective, although be warned, it is not the cheapest option.

5.   Get a pedicure

Last but not least, no feet will be ready for their first spring outing without a luxury pedicure. Although you could choose to go DIY, why not instead treat yourself to some professional nail services which will include the full works of foot care, including a foot soak, nail, and cuticle tidy, hard skin removal, exfoliation, massage, and polish of your choice?

Go on; you know you deserve it!