5 Hair Removal Treatments You Should Know About

Hair removal: it’s an essential part of a beauty routine for many people, and especially during those summer days when you’re planning on revealing more of your skin. Suppose you’ve never had a hair removal treatment before or don’t know much about them. In that case, you may always have been struggling through the laborious task of traditional shaving, only to have the hair return faster than you’d hope.

There are many different hair removal treatments you can look into instead. Hair removal is about what works for you, so here are five different treatments you may want to consider so that you can ditch the razor.

1.   Hair Removal Cream

Hair removal cream is designed to be applied to a specific area and have the hairs washed away with the cream after a certain application length. These removal creams come in many shapes and sizes designed for particular areas of the body, so it’s important if using a hair removal cream to invest in one which is designed specifically for the area of the body you’re looking to remove hair from (such as one suited for legs or bikini line).

Hair removal cream works by applying to the intended area and waiting for the hair to be dissolved by the cream; you can then wash it away.  

2.   Strip Waxing

Strip waxing is where a thin layer of wax is applied to an area of the skin and then removed (along with the hair) by a sheet of paper applied and pulled back. This is then done in stages, piece by piece. Due to the nature of strip waxing, this can be preferable for less sensitive areas, such as the legs.

3.   Hot Waxing

In comparison to strip waxing, hot waxing is where wax is applied to an area of the body, but no paper strip is needed to rip away the hair. With hot waxing, you would wait for the melted wax to harden after application, in which it would then gain a hold on hairs and pull them free once the wax is removed.

4.   Laser Hair Removal

This procedure involves dedicated pulses of light which reach the hair follicles under the skin and disrupts their ability to regrow hair in that area. This laser targets hair at the source. As well as being a more long-term solution for hair removal in terms of length of time, you can expect hair to return. Some people may also see significantly less hair in the targeted area over time.

Laser hair removal can also be used on smaller areas, such as the face and lip line, as well as large areas of the body.

5.   Threading

Threading is a popular choice for small hair removal, particularly of the eyebrows. It’s a cosmetic procedure that sees a thin thread being twisted and manipulated in order to pull out hairs in a chosen area. It is similar to plucking, but threading can pull out more than one hair at a time in comparison.

If you’re considering any new beauty or hair removal treatment, be sure to speak to a dedicated professional for advice if you’re unsure whether any treatment would be suitable for your skin.