Top Reasons To Book a Massage

If you love having a massage and typically have one every now and then, you’ll be pleased to hear they’re not just good for relaxation but also for your health. Experts say massage has numerous advantages for the body and mind, so there’s never been a better excuse than to incorporate them into your wellness routine.


Take a look at some of the ways massage could help you:

Relieves stress

Most people experience stress at some point in life. Stress can lead to tension in the body and cause headaches and insomnia. Massage is a great way to relax the body and mind. The practice raises serotonin and dopamine levels to improve your mood.

Decreases anxiety levels

Many things cause anxiety in everyday life. The build-up can manifest to low mood and feelings of stress and depression. Having regular massage sessions encourages the body to relax and let go of unhappy feelings to balance your mind.

Reduces headaches

Headaches are a common occurrence, and they impact life in several ways. Different things cause headaches but largely play a part in stress and lack of sleep. Poor posture and neck tension are also contributors. Massage therapy is ideal for realising tension, which can lead to headaches and migraines.

Improves muscle mobility

If you experience muscle soreness or tightness, massage is an excellent remedy. The techniques improve blood flow to the area and improve flexibility to overworked muscles.

Aids digestive issues

Some people may suffer from issues in the digestive tract which impact the digestion of food. There are specialist massage techniques that aid the relaxation of involuntary spasms and contractions in this area to help move things along.

Improves sleep

It’s surprising how many people don’t get enough sleep. Sleep is vital for your body to relax and rejuvenate. Anything preventing this will impact mind and body health in the long run. If you find it hard to drift off or suffer from insomnia, massage can help. This therapy provides relaxation and releases hormones in the body that aid sleep.

Complements fitness routines

When you work out, your body goes through a lot to push your results further. Unfortunately, these workouts may cause muscle fatigue, which in turn may impact how often you can hit the gym. To improve your recovery, massage is the perfect solution.

Reduces the appearance of scars

Creams and lotions may help improve the look of scarring, but overall, massage is the best way to minimise the appearance. This technique helps to break down scar tissue, and over time you’ll notice a big difference in the look and feel of the affected area.

Improves energy levels

Want to feel energised and ready to tackle the day ahead? Regular massage sessions could be the answer. Incorporating massage treatments into your self-care routine will ease tension, stress and muscle soreness to leave you feeling fabulous.


Ready to book your next massage treatment? Call our beauty salon in Oxford to feel the benefits for yourself.