7 Self-care Ideas for When You Have a Day to Yourself

Self-care is essential for everyone. It’s not always easy to fit it into your schedule, though. Balancing work, a social life, family, studies, and hobbies can make it near-impossible to find time to relax.

If you find yourself with an entire day to spend relaxing, then it’s important that you make the most of it. Here are seven self-care ideas to help you do just that.

1: Book a Beauty Treatment

Nothing is quite as refreshing as a beauty treatment. At our beauty salon in Oxford, there are plenty of excellent treatments to choose from. Try a deep tissue massage if you need to relax, a lash and brow appointment if you need a mini glow-up, or skin treatment if your skin needs a little TLC. You will leave the salon a brand-new version of yourself.

2: Read a Book

With how prevalent technology is in everyone’s day-to-day lives, even those who love books sometimes forget to put down their phone and pick one up. When you have a day entirely to yourself, consider putting away all technology and sinking into a novel for a few hours. It’s a great way to escape from the real world for a while.

3: Cook Your Favourite Meal

Cooking might not be the most relaxing activity, especially if you’ve only got an hour to do it and you’ve already spent the day on your feet. If you have the entire day, though, it’s an opportunity to put everything you have into the meal. Don’t just cook – create. Enjoy every moment of the cooking experience and let your imagination run wild, right up until the last bite.

4: Put on a Face Mask

A day to yourself is the perfect chance to spend some time on skincare. Do the treatments you wouldn’t usually have time to do, like a face mask. Even better – put one on while running a bath, and then let the mask do its work while you enjoy a long and relaxing soak.

5: Sit Outside for a While

It’s a simple activity, but it can really refresh your perspective. In this day and age, it is not often that people get the chance to just sit outside and relax. You could watch the cars go by, or you could go somewhere a little quieter and watch the birds in the trees. To feel even more relaxed when outside, unplug from your phone and allow your brain to switch off.

6: Colour a Colouring Book

You might not be an artist, but that doesn’t mean you can’t colour in pages. It’s not just an activity for children! Colouring is a great hobby, as it destresses you while allowing your creativity to flourish. Plus, in the end, you’ll have a beautifully coloured picture to be proud of.

7: Meditate

Everyone should practice meditation from time to time. It gets your mind away from your daily stresses, if only for a little while. If you have a whole day, dedicate a portion of it to closing your eyes and focusing on your breath. You will feel much calmer and even euphoric at the end of it.