Benefits of Getting Regular Massages

Massages, throughout recent years, have become more and more popular with everyday people. Once they were exclusively for the rich and famous, now everyone can access the relaxing and beneficial beauty treatment. Here are the top reasons you should be getting regular massages.


Types of Massages

Deep Tissue:

This massage focuses on reaching the deepest layers of fascia to get the deepest pressure. This massage is mainly used for chronic pain and aches. It is also used on most parts of the body that become stiff and sore.

Hot and Cold Stone:

Hot and cold stones are used to relax your muscles and release toxins from anywhere in your body. They are used to massage any parts of your body for a relaxing and refreshing time.


Two water cushions are used to heat the body temperature throughout the massage. This massage is 10x more beneficial than regular massages as it allows muscles to relax further due to temperature of the water. If you’re looking for a massage in Oxford, this is certainly a treatment you should check out.



1.     Reduces back and joint pain

Being the most complained about pains, massages have been shown to minimise back pain and lower joint pain for almost anyone. It has also reduced the use of painkillers for those who do suffer from chronic pain.

2.     Decrease anxiety

Anxiety is the most common mental illness and for a lot of people, massages can reduce the suffering. A massage can cut down your body’s stress hormones leaving you with fewer anxiety symptoms and a clearer head.

3.     Improves skin and hair health

Whilst you might go get a face and head massage to relax, there are even more benefits you might not know. One is that the massage helps reduce the look of and even prevents wrinkles from forming! This is because a face massage will help relax the muscles that have been strained on your face all day. They can also help boost your hair health by making your blood circulate more.

4.      Help with PMS

During the menstrual cycle, many women will suffer from PMS (premenstrual syndrome). A massage can help reduce the pain and cramps whilst helping reduce any muscle soreness caused by the body stress.

5.     Benefit Digestive Difficulties

Practically everyone has had digestive issues at some point, whether it was for a few days once or regular weeks of problems, and abdominal massage can do wonders for your digestive system. A massage can be a way to restart your digestive system and make you feel much better afterward.

There are many health benefits that massages have. As they become more popular, they will be even more benefits that come with new types.  Additionally, if you don’t want to go to a spa there are many self-massages you can do at home or you could even get a partner involved. Whilst these can help, it is much better to go to a professional and see how much of a difference it will make in your everyday life!